The Players Way partners with SkillShark to Revolutionize Athlete Development
Top 10 Sports Fundraiser Ideas

Top 10 Sports Fundraiser Ideas

Youth Sports

Are you on the hunt for sports fundraiser ideas? 

It can be a daunting task to figure out how to raise money for your team’s expenses, such as travel costs, gear, and other miscellaneous expenses. 

These expenses can quickly add up and take away from the enjoyment of playing the game together as a team. But don’t worry, we’ve got you covered with some great ideas to help ease the burden and keep the fun in the game.

1. Car Wash

Organizing a car wash is a simple and valuable event that anyone can pull off. It’s a fun and engaging activity for children to participate in while being supervised by adults. All you need is a parking lot with access to water and a hose. 

To clean the cars efficiently, make sure you have all the necessary supplies like car-specific soap, soft towels and rags, soft sponges, and plenty of buckets. With these items in hand, organizing a successful car wash event will be a breeze and plenty of fun too!

Car wash fundraiser

2. Athlete Sponsorships

Are you familiar with all the costs associated with youth sports? It’s not just about the equipment; there are facility rentals, referee fees, and travel expenses, such as flights and accommodation, that can add up quickly. 

But here’s the good news: you can make a difference in your community by supporting young athletes. By sponsoring a player for the entire season, individuals and local businesses can help cover these costs and ensure that every junior has a chance to play. 

To get started, create a player sponsorship program and share the details with potential sponsors. It’s a simple and effective way to make a big impact!

3. Take Advantage Of Social Media

Social media can be a valuable tool for sports organizations not only for communication and marketing but also for fundraising efforts. To maximize its potential, it’s important to consistently post updates on social media leading up to fundraising events and encourage parents and coaches to share those posts to expand your reach within the community. 

Take advantage of the fundraising tools available on Facebook and Instagram, which can be attached to your club’s website, and consider allowing individuals to use their personal Facebook accounts to support your fundraising efforts.

4. Sell T-Shirts

Encouraging parents and fans to sport matching apparel during games can greatly benefit your team. One effective way to achieve this is by launching a fresh t-shirt design a few months prior to the start of each season. To make each t-shirt distinctive, consider incorporating a unique theme or catchphrase that relates to that particular season. 

To increase support and generate revenue, you can sell these t-shirts to parents, grandparents, coaches, and other members of the community at a reasonable markup. This will not only foster a sense of unity among the team’s followers but also help in raising funds for various team activities and events.

5. Auctions 

One way to raise funds for a good cause is to collect donated items from nearby businesses and organize an auction event. This can take place during a dinner gathering, a delectable dessert display, or even during the halftime of a sports event. 

By doing so, the proceeds from the auction can be used to support various charitable initiatives and endeavors. It’s a great way to rally the community behind a worthy cause and make a meaningful impact.

6. Hit the Golf Course

To ensure a successful golf outing fundraiser, begin planning at least 6 months ahead and reach out to local golf clubs to check availability. Opt for a weekend day to make team registration easier, but anticipate higher costs. 

Offer individual or foursome registration and promote the event extensively within your community. Golf players will be required to pay, but you can include additional fundraising opportunities throughout the outing.

7. Design and Sell Yearbooks

Parents often hold dear the memories of their children’s sports seasons. A good suggestion is to create an “official” yearbook for each season, including photos, schedules, scores, and coaching quotations. 

With online tools such as Canva, designing and assembling these yearbooks is super easy. The best part is that you can sell them to parents to raise funds for the team at the end of the year, making it a fantastic way to commemorate the season and support the club’s future.

8. Food Trucks

Consider partnering with a local food truck for your team’s fundraising efforts. This is an effective and straightforward approach. Reach out to a nearby food truck and discuss a potential fundraising partnership. 

Food trucks have gained popularity recently, with mobile kitchens serving customers at public events like street fairs and farmer’s markets. You can offer your supporters unique refreshments while raising funds for your team. These partnerships are common in fundraising because they benefit both parties. 

Food trucks appreciate the chance to gain new loyal customers from your team’s regular crowd of spectators. While pizza, tacos, and burgers are popular options, don’t be afraid to explore unique choices. 

You can research food trucks in your area online and review their websites and social media to discover more about their menus and local favorites.

9. Organize Junior Clinics

To sustain your league’s growth, engaging younger players is imperative. One effective way to do this is to arrange a clinic for young athletes, which can help to generate interest and revenue. 

You can schedule a brief clinic on the weekend, with a nominal participation fee of around $15-20, and recruit your own players to coach the clinic under the supervision of adults. In addition, you can incentivize participation by offering complimentary pizza to the attendees after the clinic, which a nearby restaurant can sponsor.

By utilizing the SkillShark app at your clinic to score and assess players, you will be able to provide an assessment report card to each player after the clinic. You can easily charge a small fee for these report cards. Better yet, have a professional come in and assess the players involved. This would provide more value to players to purchase their assessment report card after the evaluation/clinic is complete.

10. Bagging Groceries

Bagging groceries is a great way to fundraise in grocery stores without full-time baggers or carry-out services. Approach the store manager and ask to provide bagging services on the weekend. 

Dress in your team gear and label a container with “Donations” to encourage contributions. Your team should inform customers that donations are voluntary and agree on a set number of hours with the manager. After the event, express gratitude with a thank-you letter, framed certificate, and team newsletter mention.

Wrapping Up

If you’re a volunteer starting a new nonprofit sports team or managing an existing league, fundraising can be a time-consuming task. However, with these easy fundraising ideas for sports teams, you can avoid using tired tactics and still make money.

Try out some new ideas and find the right mix for your organization. Remember to prioritize enjoyment and fun, as people are more likely to support your cause if they have a good time rather than feel obligated.

Brenton Barker

Brenton Barker: Former Professional Sports Coach/Manager // Brenton is an Australian with 20 years of experience working with professional athletes. These athletes have combined to win more than ten international events. He holds a Degree in Sports Coaching and was the former Head Advisor to the Japanese Government Sports Institute.