Effective 90-Minute Volleyball Practice Plan

Effective 90-Minute Volleyball Practice Plan

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Looking for ways to boost your volleyball team’s skills? You’ve come to the right place! This 90-minute volleyball practice session is perfect for beginner or advanced teams. This practice plan incorporates a warm-up, passing & serving drills, and game scenarios.

Part 1 – Warmup (10 Min)

Volleyball warm up

Start with a dynamic warmup to get the muscles ready and blood flowing:

  • Light Jog: Jog to the net and back to the end-line
  • Side Shuffle: Swing arms front and back while shuffling
  • High Knees: Bring the knees up while jogging forward
  • Buttkicks: Bring the heel of the foot to the butt while jogging backward
  • Lunges: Reach one leg forward and squat down
  • High Kicks: Kick one leg up at a time parallel to the ground
  • Side Leans: Keep hands at hips and lean from side to side
  • Knees to Chest: Pull one knee up to the chest and hold for 10 seconds
  • Classic Quad: Pull one leg behind and hold for 10 seconds
  • Sprints: Go 75% top speed to the net and back

Part 2 – Pipeline Passing (10 Min)


Setup: Place pieces of tape twelve feet apart from each other, all the way down the middle of the court. Have your volleyball players pair up. One player will have the ball.

How To:

  1. Player 1 starts inside the two lines, and Player 2 tosses the ball to their partner.
  2. After tossing the ball, Player 2 must shuffle to their right and touch the tape before returning to the middle (all before Player 1 returns the ball back).
  3. This drill will be repeated for 10 reps, with Player 2 being the tosser.
  4. After 10 reps, pairs will switch roles.

Part 3 – Serve & Pass (15 Min)

Volleyball drills

Setup: 6 players will be placed on each side of the court.

How To:

  1. The server on Team #1 will serve the ball to the receiving team anywhere on the court.
  2. Team #2 will pass the ball back to the serving team based on the type of pass you call out. I.e., forearm pass, overhead pass, one-handed pass, underhand pass, or platform pass.
  3. Teams will then switch roles. Team #2 will become servers and Team #1 will become the passers.

DRILL TIMEOUT – 30 Seconds

Part 4 – 10 Serves (15 Min)

Player practicing volleyball serving

Setup: Divide volleyball players into groups of three to four players, and give each group three volleyballs.

How To:

  1. Each team serves on the coach’s whistle. Multiple players can serve simultaneously.
  2. The first team to complete ten good serves wins. (For more advanced volleyball teams, ensure the ball is served and aimed in a targeted area)
  3. The losing volleyball group rotates off, and a new group comes on.

Coaching Tip: Players may try to serve as fast as possible. Ensure proper technique is still utilized even when volleyball players are under time pressure.

Part 5 – Miss The Chairs Serving Drill (10 Min)

Chairs on floor

Setup: Place three chairs on the court and draw two-foot circles around them. Players will form three lines behind each chair (the first player will be about 9-12 feet away).

How To:

  1. On your whistle, the first player in each line will serve, aiming at the circles drawn between the chairs.
  2. If the player completes a successful serve, they go to the end of the line.
  3. Continue the drill until every player gets at least three to five chances to serve.

Part 6 – Volleyball Game Play & Apply (20 min)

Volleyball practice game

Setup: Organize your volleyball players into teams.

How To:

  1. Players will play one set for 20 minutes with a variation of serving, blocking, and passing moves (called out by you). *Call out moves that players have learned in practice. This helps build their confidence while further refining their form, technique, and footwork.
  2. Use two or more “drill timeouts” as needed.

Phase 7 – Cool Down and Stretch (10 Mins)

Volleyball team coo down stretch
  • Hamstring Stretch: Stand with feet hip-width apart and slowly bend at hips.
  • Calf Stretch: Face the wall with one leg touching and the other extended behind.
  • Hip Flexor Stretch: Step one foot forward in a lunge position. Push hips forward, lowering back knee to the ground.
  • Shoulder Stretch: Bring one arm across the body. With the opposite hand, gently pull the arm toward the body.
  • Tricep Stretch: Raise one arm overhead and bend at the elbow so the hand is touching the opposite shoulder blade.
  • Lower Back Stretch: Start in a kneeling position and sit back on your heels while extending your arms forward.
  • Hip Rotator Stretch: Lie on your back with your knees bent and feet flat on the floor. Cross one ankle over the opposite knee, pulling the uncrossed leg toward the chest.

Looking For an Easier Way to Evaluate Volleyball Players?

Using SkillShark, you can easily score volleyball players using your smartphone or tablet. Once your evaluation is complete, instantly gain access to player reports. Review player data and draft teams on the same day!

Volleyball set

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FAQ — Volleyball Practice Plan

SkillShark is a leading evaluation software designed to assist coaches in assessing and improving the performance of volleyball players. It streamlines the evaluation process by providing instant feedback reports after each assessment, saving coaches valuable time compared to traditional data entry into spreadsheets.

• Customize evaluation templates
• Score athletes on your mobile device
• Instantly access player data
• Provide player report cards
• Draft teams right on the app

A well-structured volleyball practice plan ensures you make the most out of your available time.

1) Set clear objectives of what you want to accomplish.
2) Schedule the necessary volleyball drills & game scenarios.
3) Include time to properly take notes and provide verbal feedback during practice.
Lucy Jakoncic

Lucy is a strategy and results-driven e-commerce & digital marketer, equipped with her BBA in Business Admin & Marketing. She brings in knowledge and experience from both startup and corporate environments. Aside from her professional pursuits, Lucy is an admitted sports fanatic, she feeds her addiction through active involvement and her passion for the sport of MMA. Her sports-minded entrepreneurial spirit has been a strong addition as both a writer and marketing strategist at SkillShark Software Inc.