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How to Coach Soccer: A Comprehensive Guide

How to Coach Soccer: A Comprehensive Guide


As an upcoming or current soccer coach, you must equip yourself with the proper knowledge, skills, and resources to become a successful coach. Whether in the professional leagues or for recreation, our soccer coaching guide can greatly benefit you.

Coaching soccer athletes is a fulfilling career for those who share a passion for the sport. When it comes to coaching, knowing how to play isn’t enough. One needs to be dedicated and committed to investing their time in the growth of their players. As a soccer coach, you’re teaching them how to play and instilling life values, such as sportsmanship, teamwork, and discipline.

Understanding the Basics Skills of Soccer

Like every other sport, a soccer coach must be fully knowledgeable of the fundamentals of soccer. This include the basic skills, rules, and player positions in a soccer game. Such fundamentals of Soccer include: Ball control, passing, shooting, and defending.

Essential Characteristics for Soccer Coaches

To be the ideal Soccer coach, some key characteristics include: communication, leadership, and patience!

  • Communication: Communicate to soccer players by conveying drills or instructions clearly.
  • Leadership: Inspire and guide your soccer team. Take on challenges, win together and give feedback and motivation when necessary.
  • Patience: It’s so important! Especially with youth soccer players, it creates a supportive environment and sets a great example for their growth.

Setting Short-term and Long-term Goals in Soccer

Short-term and long-term goals are important to further motivate players to become better athletes. Short-term goals can include improving ball control, passing accuracy, and defensive positioning. On the other hand, long-term goals can include preparing one for a team captain role and even readying a team to compete in big soccer tournaments.

Guide players in setting team goals, or maybe even help each of their players’ individual objectives. Remember that a goal must be SMART–specific, measurable, attainable, realistic, and time-bound!

Planning Effective Soccer Practices

Coaches must plan practices accordingly at appropriate times concerning the team’s season. As mentioned earlier, build up the fundamentals of your soccer athletes, later on, coaches can incorporate more advanced level soccer skills.

How to Coach Soccer Effectively

Coaching youth soccer athletes

1. Teach Soccer Fundamentals

Fundamentals are always the starting block of every athlete’s journey. Mastery of the fundamentals goes a long way in a soccer athlete’s journey. As a soccer coach, you must teach your players basic soccer skills, such as passing, shooting, defending, and ball control.

2. Incorporate Advanced Soccer Techniques

Experienced athletes can move to more advanced soccer techniques to further their growth. Advanced techniques can range from skills to team strategies to prepare players for a tournament.

3. Add Strength and Endurance Exercises

Don’t forget to prioritize cardio and strength training in your training programs to improve overall fitness. Cardio training for soccer players provides better endurance and less fatigue. Strength training benefits soccer players with decreased risks of injury, better balance, and powerful movements.

4. Help players build confidence

One thing that soccer coaches must never forget is to build their soccer athletes’ confidence, as it’s integral to their careers as players. Providing positive reinforcement and constructive criticism and regularly encouraging players are methods that help improve players’ self-esteem.

Prepare Before the Game: Building a Pre-Game Soccer Routine

On every tournament day, soccer coaches must ensure that their players are in the right mindset and warmed up for the game. Players must be able to do light drills without exhausting themselves prior to the start of their matches.

Maintain Effective Coaching During a Soccer Game

Soccer coaches must always be attentive to their players’ and opponents’ strategies. Coaches should be ready to adjust their strategies mid-game to achieve victory. For this to happen, a soccer coach must be fully aware of their players’ skills.

Provide Feedback After the Game

Regardless of a win or loss, there’s always something that both soccer coaches and players can take to learn from them. At the end of each game, soccer Coaches must address what areas need improvement and how else each player can perform better in the next game. Constructive criticism will always be a primary growth factor. Utilize the SkillSharks Soccer Evaluation App to input insights and provide substantial information on each of their players’ performances during a game.

Tailor Your Coaching Style

One must be able to adjust their coaching style to the needs of whichever soccer team they’re training. This can include players’ age, experience, and maturity. Youth coaching focuses on fundamentals and fostering a love for the game. High school and college coaching involves advanced techniques and competitiveness. Adult leagues balance skill development and enjoyment. Adapt your approach to suit team needs.

Develop a Soccer Coaching Philosophy

Although soccer is primarily a physical sport, a soccer coach entails inspiring and motivating their soccer athletes. A clear coaching philosophy guides your approach. Define your style by considering values, goals, and methods. Whether prioritizing skill development, teamwork, or competitiveness, a coherent philosophy ensures consistency and clarity.

Check out this video on how to pick your own Soccer Coaching Philosophy.

Manage Athlete Communication

skillshark message center

A key trait for a soccer coach is effective communication with their athletes. Skillshark’s streamlined message centre can further supplement this, where the soccer coach can provide feedback, point out positive insights, and highlight areas of improvement.

Continue Learning as a Coach in Soccer

One can never know enough. Coaching clinics, books, and multiple online resources can be utilized to become even better at coaching soccer. Coaches should allow themselves to be critiqued by their soccer players. Through this manner, soccer coaches can better adjust their methods to the needs of their players. Not only does Skillshark evaluate players, but it also allows players to evaluate their coaches through its Coaching App.

Handle Challenges as a Soccer Coach

Coaches must be able to remain resilient in troubling times and guide their teams through their struggles. Be prepared for struggles such as physical injury or even player motivation. It’s best to come up with contingency plans in the event similar situations arise. Furthermore, a coach must always be able to provide hope for their team in difficult times.

Celebrate the Successes of your Team

As a soccer coach, you set the tone for your athletes’ coaching environment. Players appreciate an environment where their victories, small or big, are celebrated. Such praise encourages more hard work and dedication for the team and gives soccer athletes a sense of accomplishment.

Balance Fun & Competitiveness

Sports are meant to be fun, but a sense of competition needs to be instilled. Too much of anything can be detrimental, so ensure that all practices and games are enjoyable for everyone and that being part of a soccer team entails seriousness.

Maintain Enthusiasm

Soccer coaches’ attitudes can greatly influence their soccer athletes’ perspectives. Coaches should professionally address situations when things look grim while encouraging players to maintain positivity.

Delegate Responsibilities: The Need for an Assistant Coach in Soccer

One person can’t handle everything. Therefore, a soccer assistant coach is necessary to support the Head Coach. More importantly, they are given tasks to benefit the head coach. Furthermore, they act as a bridge between the head coach and team players.

Watch this video of what you need to look for in an Assistant Soccer Coach.

Ensure Fair Play in Soccer

Moral and legal obligations must be followed, so there will be no cheating, foul play, or sabotaging. Therefore, coaches must ensure that their athletes adhere to fair play. Soccer coaches must be positive examples to enforce ethical behaviour.

Connecting Coaching to SkillShark’s Soccer Evaluation App

Integrating the suitable tools can greatly improve your soccer coaching efficiency and effectiveness. A tool like SkillShark is a powerful app designed to streamline various aspects of coaching, from player evaluations to performance tracking. SkillShark’s soccer evaluation app allows you to easily create customized evaluation forms, track player progress over time, and generate detailed reports. This can help you make informed decisions, tailor your coaching strategies to individual needs, and ultimately drive better team performance.

To take your coaching to the next level, download the SkillShark app today and start for free. Setting it up is straightforward: simply go to your app store, search for SkillShark, and follow the installation instructions. Once installed, you can create your first evaluation event and begin scoring players immediately. Embrace technology to enhance your coaching capabilities and advance your team.


Being a soccer coach entails the commitment of a passionate individual with strong leadership skills, a love for Soccer, and devotion to players’ growth. A great soccer coach can lead players to success by mastering skills and creating a positive environment.

Checklist for Soccer Coaches

Understand Soccer FundamentalsLearn the rules, positions, and basic strategies.
Develop a Soccer Coaching PhilosophyDefine your values, goals, and coaching style.
Acquire Soccer Coaching CertificationsObtain necessary certifications and attend clinics.
Create Practice PlansDevelop structured practice schedules and drills.
Learn Effective Soccer Communication SkillsPractice clear and motivational communication.
Set Team GoalsEstablish short-term and long-term goals.
Build Team ChemistryOrganize team-building activities and encourage teamwork.
Teach Soccer FundamentalsFocus on teaching ball control, shooting, defending, and passing.
Introduce Advanced Soccer TechniquesIncorporate team strategies and defensive plays.
Implement Soccer Conditioning ProgramsInclude strength training and endurance exercises.
Focus on Mental PreparationTeach visualization, stress management, and confidence-building techniques.
Prepare for Soccer Game DayEstablish what your team’s pre-game routine will be

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FAQ – Soccer Coaching Guide

Key soccer coach skills include effective communication, leadership, patience, and strategic planning.

Encourage teamwork, organize team-building activities, and address conflicts promptly to create a supportive and positive soccer team environment.

Effective soccer drills include ball control, passing, shooting, and defending. Check out this article for more examples of Soccer Drills

Maintain open communication, set clear goals, and address concerns professionally. Keep parents informed about progress and objectives. Use the Skillshark app to communicate player report cards with parents and allow team, parent and coach chatting.

Lucy Jakoncic

Lucy is a strategy and results-driven e-commerce & digital marketer, equipped with her BBA in Business Admin & Marketing. She brings in knowledge and experience from both startup and corporate environments. Aside from her professional pursuits, Lucy is an admitted sports fanatic, she feeds her addiction through active involvement and her passion for the sport of MMA. Her sports-minded entrepreneurial spirit has been a strong addition as both a writer and marketing strategist at SkillShark Software Inc.